Friday 16 November 2012

The Who, What, Where, Whom, (W)How, Why IV

The (W)How?

“The first duty of the modern intellectual is to state the obvious, to puncture the smelly little orthodoxies contending for our souls.” —    George Orwell

Follow your nature and accord with the Tao: Saunter along and stop worrying. If your thoughts are tied you spoil what is genuine. Don’t be antagonistic to the world of the senses. — Seng Tsan

Every phenomenon is like a dream
an illusion, a bubble, a shadow;

It is like dew and also like lightning.

So is all to be seen
    Diamond sutra

Aux lux hic nata est, aut capta hic libera regnat
Light was either born free here or, held captive, here reigns free
    inscription in Ravenna, among the mosaics

In nova fert animus mutates dicere formas corpora
Now I am ready to tell how bodies are changed into different bodies

some are transformed just once
and live their whole lives after in that shape.
others have a facility
for changing themselves as they please.

Now I am ready to tell how bodies are changed into different bodies
In nova fert animus mutates dicere formas corpora

    Ovid, Metamorphoses 7 CE (trans. Ted Hughes 1997 CE)
Colour possesses me … That is the meaning of this happy hour: colour and I are one. I am a painter.”
    Paul Klee, Tunisia, 16th April 1914

“The first person who tasted a crab must also have tried a spider but realized that it was not as good to eat.”
    Lu Xun (translation)

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